social scientist
Welcome! I am Associate Professor of Political Science at Northwestern University, currently on research leave for the 2024-2025 academic year. In fall 2024 I am a Berlin Prize Fellow at the American Academy in Berlin.
My academic research explores modernity and its discontents, especially in areas related to the environment, climate change, nationalism, and ideology. I regularly conduct field research in China, Germany, and Mongolia.
My recent publications include The Performative State: Public Scrutiny and Environmental Governance in China (Cornell University Press 2022), along with articles in World Politics, Comparative Political Studies, Democratization, Studies in Comparative International Development, China Quarterly, Journal of Contemporary China, and Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.
I hold a Ph.D. in Government from Harvard University and a B.A. in Political Science and Russian and Eastern European Studies from the University of Michigan.

iza[dot]ding - [at] - northwestern[dot]edu